Tag Archives: Yoga with Fern

Puree Juice Bar Blog by Cleanse Specialist & Yoga Instructor, Fern Langham Seek adventures? Need a creative, original date idea? Looking for a healthy outing with a group of your best friends? Your cleanse consultant highly suggests: Cleanse your body, mind and soul by taking your yoga practice out in nature and pair it with a brisk, challenging hike. It’s the perfect unique date for couples, friends, and you and your nature-seeking self. If you live in or are planning a visit to the DC-metro area, Danielle Reyes is YOUR outdoor yoga concierge. Her start-up, Yoga Hikes DC, was created to provide you with a unique experience in secret nature gems tucked away in the heart of the Nation’s Capitol. Last month, I joined Danielle and a few other adventure-curious yogis including Pam Nixon, founder of Teachasana and Laurel Horody, founder of Living Yoga with Laurel for a challenging, scenic…

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